Monday, November 27, 2017

Academic Book Review: Working in a Multicultural World

The world of today is so different of the world only a couple of years back. Especially if you are living in Europe, in any big city you might notice the linguistic, cultural and ethnic diversity, which a direct influence on the working habits and culture in general. You just need to go to your Asian supermarket or wait for your pizza or shaorma at the fast food next door. In order to be able to be part of this new diverse world, declarations of supporting 'multi-kulti' are not enough. 
The first stage of the interaction has to do with the way in which the narrative is being written. How we react and what we understand out the contact with 'the other'? Are we ready to go beyond the declarative level and the basic stereotypes inherently associated to various ethnic groups?
Working in a Multicultural World by Luciara Nardon is a real 'guide to developing intercultural competence', meaning it offers a step-by-step learning process to anyone keen to manage efficiently the multicultural interactions at work and abroad. In the author's words, it helps 'to develop constructive ways of thinking about intercultural interactions and acquire the skills needed to deal with the complex multi-cultural reality of today's workplace'. 
Offering more examples and practical insights and less theoretical background, the book helps to improve the level of inter-cultural communication in various work situations. Communication is the main dimension around which the entire process is built and developed, either it is about developing empathy or revisiting the main story of the intercultural and multicultural interaction. Very useful are especially the short exercises at the end of each section, allowing an evaluation as well as the revision of the main habits and practices. 
A book recommended especially to those dealing with multicultural diversity at the workplace on a daily basis, as well as to anyone preparing for a career in the field of cultural studies, with a practical interest in creating trainings and workshops for international companies and teams.

Rating: 4 stars
Disclaimer: Book offered by the publisher in exchange for an honest review