Sunday, August 28, 2022

Advocating for an universal science


For all the wrong reasons - from ideological to sheer ignorance - the history of science(s) is predominantly Western/white - centered. Ignoring the very historical facts, the non-European figures are mostly absent from the general scientific narrative, although the exchange of influences and the free circulation of ideas contradicts this simplified official reality.

Fouad Laroui, Moroccan-born economist and writer currently based in Amsterdam, sums up in his Plaidoyer pour les Arabes the noticeable absences of references of Arabic authors and thinkers from the history of sciences as well as the simplified vision of the non-Christian world, reduced to emotional, terrorist-oriented tendencies. 

Although I am usually very careful with the temptation - which manifests as well in some ideological takes on science from Eastern European countries - of assigning a non-European author to generally patterned European ideas, when the genealogy is based on a careful selection and confrontation of sources, the official versions of the history of sciences deserve to be challenged. By outlining the circulation and meeting of ideas from one cultural space to another, the diversity and complexity of the human mind is actually stated. It is a proof that long before our worlds are connected by social media, the cultural afinities were always there.

On the other hand, the plurality of possible worlds has another consequence: it shows us that the extremes and religious exaggeration and intolerance do exist outside the non-Western realm as well. If someone may follow the far-right discourses of the religious extremism, he or she will easily recognize a pattern so easy labelled as anti-Western as being uttered by non-Western sources. Which is equally historically inadequate. The same with the extremism. the propension towards non-scientific interpretations and readings of the world, such as the alternative medicine or spiritual practices, are not the exclusive domain of the ´less developed´ areas of the world, but do co-exist in the midst of Western daily practices as well.

Plaidoyer pour les Arabes is a book which contributes to a shape a fresh, colonisation-free approach on sciences. Such approaches may further open the ways towards a different, more inclusive history.

Monday, August 1, 2022

Dealing with Radical Ideologies - the Friends and Family Version

Since the pandemic started the plethora of conspiracy theories are taking over more public, particularly media, space but those theories and ideas, some of them delivered as a big package which includes anti-semitism and neo-Nazi ideologies, were always there. The problem right now is that they threaten the health and wellbeing of a large amount of population, while before it was rather considered ´other people´s problem´. 

German journalist Dana Buchzik wrote a book aimed at helping to deal with friends and family members ongoing a radicalisation process. It has to do with both women and men, educated or less educated, our mothers, brothers, fathers and sisters took over by the easiness and simplicity of a radical message.

Generally, the key towards change is education and developing a critical mindset. Being informed is not necessarily easy, as the question relies always about the sources of information and the ways in which the information is transmitted and further understood. The biggest mistake is to consider ´radicalised´ people as crazy, mentally unstable or retarded. This pattern unfortunatelly characterizes some takes on anti-semitism nowadays and are completely wrong because it diminishes - willingly or not, for politically safety reasons or not - the extent of radical thought. Those people who joined Daesh in Syria were not mentally unstable, but answered a very simple appeal of an ideology wrapped in the glossy papers of the social media. Even if in the end, the high-tech tool will be used for barbaric snapshots, such as the infamous beheadings copiously shared on social media.

The book is useful both from the point of view of the analysis and content, but also for the practical exercises and advice offered that may help healing some of the people we love of the radicalisation morbus. As a book published in German, it is a very useful tool for those living in the German-speaking realm that claimed for too long being ´cured´ of such deadly fantasies. 

Rating: 4.5 stars